Export Raleigh DL-1s
Such is the American version of the late-model Raleigh DL-1, which doesn't differ much from the English version, save for the chaincase. Nevertheless, while both England and America were receiving cookie-cutter DL-1's like these in the 1970's, very interesting variants were being produced for export, even into the mid-1980's.
The late-model DL-1 export:
To begin with, the 1970's-1980's export DL-1s were very much a continuation of the traditional DL-1 as it was known in the 1940's and 1950s. Equipment included beefy fender stays with adjustable ends, narrow handlebars, and full chaincases - all the traditional details that you would otherwise have expected on a DL-1 had Raleigh's quality standards remained the same throughout the decades.
Some of these export models were produced with singlespeed hubs in lieu of Sturmey-Archer AW's, and others were built with all the trimmings; depending on the market. Others were built with the rod brake system deleted in favor of oversized 26" balloon tires. Arguably the best known of these variants are a series of all-chrome examples produced in 1979/1980 (presumably dealer promotionals made for the American market), of which most are stereotypical examples of fully-equipped export models.
Following are photos of an all-chrome example and the author's 1979 Rudge DL-1 Export, which - save for the locking fork - is otherwise identical in specifications.
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Note the inclusion of the slogans and small darts surrounding the slogan text in the chaincase logos. This is one of the quickest identifiers of a late-model DL-1, and also a possible indicator of an export model.
At least one all-chrome example is known to have been built for 26" wheels, with a rod-brake delete option in favor of a singlespeed coasterbrake. With exception to the chrome finish, this configuration is very common on DL-1s and DL-1 knockoffs built for third-word countries, wherein simplicity and large tires for rough terrain takes precedence. The bike that I speak of was once shown on the Schwinnbike.com forums (since closed), and I have yet to locate the owner or photos since.
Export/Caribbean Raleigh DL-1s not built in Nottingham:
In addition to "normal" Nottingham DL-1s, some oddballs do exist, such as this 1978 example owned by Spencer Howell, with a "KS8..." serial number. Unfortunately, Raleigh's documentation fails to indicate which production facility the letter "K" stood for, so until that bit of information is located, the origins of this DL-1 remain a mystery - other than the fact that it was sold in the Bahamas; specifically, Nassau.
Nevertheless, unlike other subcontracted Raleighs (such as the Gazelle Grand Prix), this example comes from notably different tooling. Most of the small hardware on this example differs from a Nottingham DL-1, and the fittings are stamped differently (most notably, the crankset - which is marked with a large Sir Walter Raleigh logo at the pedal end of the crankarm).
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